The Top Three Breaking Bad Episodes, Ranked

Here are my top three favorite episodes from the series.

WARNING: Spoilers ahead!

#1 - "Ozymandias"

Season 5, Episode 14

“Ozymandias” was a culmination of everything “Breaking Bad” had been building up to over its five seasons, and the payoff was as satisfying as it was relentless in its cruelty.

The episode was a case of masterclass acting on all sides, but Bryan Cranston’s performance, from his desperate bartering for Hank’s life, to his tactful clearing of Skyler’s involvement in the meth business and his genuinely evil revelation to Jesse that he allowed Jane to die, was nothing short of career-defining.

The title is a reference to the Percy Bysshe Shelley poem "Ozymandias", drawing on the poem's theme of collapse following greatness.
After Walter fails to save his brother-in-law Hank and Hank's partner Gomez from Jack Welker--the leader of a white supremacist gang, he outs Jesse's hiding place. He reminds Jack that the hit on Jesse was never carried out. As Jack's gang drags Jesse away, Walt spitefully reveals the events surrounding the night of Jane's death.

"I watched Jane die. I was there. And I watched her die. I watched her overdose and choke to death. I could have saved her. But I didn't."

Walter to Jesse
In a flashback from Walter White and Jesse Pinkman's first cook inside the RV in the Tohajiilee reservation ("Pilot"), Walt is explaining to Jesse about the reactions during the cooking process as they wait for the batch to cool. Jesse buffs him off and nearly lights a cigarette before Walt warns him to do it on the outside. They exit the RV and Jesse jokes at Walt removing his lab apron, since he is wearing only his underwear beneath it.

Walt takes a few steps away from the cook site while Jesse is smoking and calls his wife, Skyler. He deceives her with the excuse that Bogdan Wolynetz is delaying him at the car wash due to problems with some documents, and unaware of his deception, she accepts this but requests that Walt brings pizza for dinner on his way home.

Skyler suggests the name "Holly" for their baby, and Walt tries the name on for size a few times before they say their goodbyes. Walt thinks about his unborn daughter and smiles as he powers down his cell phone. Walt, Jesse and the RV images fade to the deserted setting of Tohajiilee.